The DATA-CUBE³ is a 3-channel, 24-bit seismic data recorder. It was initially developed at GFZ Potsdam until 2011, later enhanced and introduced to the international market by Omnirecs, now produced and distrib-uted by DiGOS. The DATA-CUBE³ is a great candidate for different seismologic applications by its unique combination of features. ( click more ... )

The Centaur is an all-in-one digitizer, recorder, and telemetry instrument with advanced on-board data processing capabilities capable of data manipulation and detecting events in the field. Available in 3 and 6 channels supporting sensors such as seismometers, microbarometers, and weather stations, Centaur is ideal for multidisciplinary science involving geophysical sensor applications. The extensive configurability is made easy by a simple to use settings framework available via its web interface, which also provides real-time state of health and waveform viewing. ( click more ... )

The Q330S+ is the newest member of the world-standard Q330 family. It is an advanced 3 or 6 channel broadband, high resolution, seismic system incorporating Quanterra's proven IP networking technology into a very low-power system, by combining the Q330 digitizer and Baler44 recorder in a single rugged package.

The Q330S is an advanced 3 or 6 channel broad band, high resolution ultra-low-power seismic system incorporating Quanterra’s proven IP networking technology and super rugged USB fl ash recording. The Q330 uses Quanterra’s exclusive patented (US Patent 4866442, Japan Patent 2787445, others pending) delta-sigma 24-bit A/D with DSP, and includes 32Mb RAM, GPS receiver, USB recording, power management, sensor command/control, and anadvanced telemetry application for reliable data delivery. ( click more ... )

The Q330 is an advanced, IP based, ultra-low power and high resolution remote seismic system that incorporates Quanterra's patented broadband technology. With optional PB44 Packet Baler, a field-ready high capacity recording system, Q330 and PB44 support a wide range of earthquake monitoring configurations.